EPC-250 IOI 6-18 All rights reserved © ALTRONIC, LLC 2018
This feature is used to compensate for typical turbo lag or a slow-acting waste
gate. An engine can undergo fast loading or slow loading. When loading slowly,
the turbo has time to react to the demand for air and there is no turbo delay.
When loading fast, it is difficult for the turbo to keep up with the demand due
to turbo delay.
Auto-Man Auto
Pressing the Auto-Man Auto button enables or disables the Loading Offset-ON
button. In Auto, digital input 29 turns on the Loading Offset. In Man Auto, the
Loading Offset-ON button turns on the Loading Offset
Loading Offset
The Loading Offset adds an offset to the desired air pressure when activated. The
offset is removed when the fuel manifold pressure reaches the Fuel Off STPNT.
The Loading Offset can be used in a variety of ways, but the most logical use
is during loading of a compressor. Closing digital input 29, or pressing the
Load Offset-ON button adds a predetermined amount of air (thus raising the
air pressure) just before or during loading. This feature reduces the need to
load an engine slowly or detune the governor while it is waiting for air.
The above feature works similarly on the Timing Offset. When activated the
timing will advance or retard to give best performance while loading. Likewise,
it will be turned off when the fuel pressure reaches a chosen setpoint.
Fuel Pressure Setpoint
The fuel pressure setpoint is latching and will not reactivate if the fuel pres-
sure goes below the set value. This is unlatched when the engine is restarted.
Detonation Offset
The detonation offset is added when digital input 30 is closed. This feature can
be connected to OPSW2 on the DET1600/1610 or a PLC detonation output.
The above feature works similarly to the Air Offset, but will advance or retard
the timing when digital input 30 is closed.