EPC-250 IOI 6-18 All rights reserved © ALTRONIC, LLC 2018
Ohm resister creating a termination voltage of .8 to 4.0 volts. The jumper wires
between the (+) and (–) terminals for that channel must be connected.
7.0 Analog Inputs Calibration
The EPC-250 allows 31 analog inputs which have been carefully pre-assigned
to a dedicated channel which can be enabled for any application as needed.
When using any of the inputs it must be Enabled and calibrated thru its group
page as shown below.
CH (Channel)
Denotes the channel number to be configured (1–31).
Each input channel can be enabled/disabled by pressing the Off/On button
on each calibration page. When the input channel is enabled, all alarms and
shutdown setpoints for the input become active.
Displays the actual reading of the input in Analog-Digital Conversion (ADC) value.