GX3300 Technical Manual
Page 39
In milliseconds. The interval at which the API sends a heartbeat command to the camera. Normally this parameter
does not require adjustment.
- In milliseconds. The maximum amount of time the camera will wait for a heartbeat command before timing out.
NOTE: this value may need to be increased when using breakpoints in your API code. Breakpoints stall the API from sending heartbeat
commands, which may cause the camera to time out.
Multicast mode allows the camera to send image data to all hosts on the same subnet as the camera. The host computer (or
SampleViewer application instance) that first enables multicast mode is the
, and controls all camera parameters. All other hosts /
instances are the
, and can view image data only.
NOTE: Most GigE switches support a maximum PacketSize of 1500 in Multicast mode.
- Enables Multicast mode. The live view window must be closed to enable this control.
- The multicast IP address can be set using this control.
In Bytes. Determines the Ethernet packet size. Generally speaking this number should be set to as large as the network
adaptor will allow. If this number is reduced, then CPU loading will increase. These large packet sizes are called Jumbo Packets/Frames
in Ethernet terminology. If your GigE network adaptor does not support Jumbo Packets/Frames of at least 8228 Bytes (the camera
default on power up), then you will need to reduce PacketSize parameter to match the maximum supported by your network adaptor.
A PacketSize of 1500 is a safe setting which all GigEthernet network cards support.
NOTE: If you are seeing
black images
, or
frames reported as StatFramesDropped and
images reported as
StatFramesCompleted, you will likely need to decrease this parameter.
In Bytes/Sec. Used to moderate the data rate of the camera. This is particularly useful for slowing the camera
down so that it can operate over slower links such as Fast Ethernet (100-speed), or wireless networks. It is also an important control for
multi-camera situations. When multiple cameras are connected to a single Gigabit Ethernet port (usually through a switch),
StreamBytesPerSecond for each camera needs to be set to a value so that the sum of each camera
s StreamBytesPerSecond parameter
does not exceed the data rate of the GigE port. Setting the parameter in this way will ensure that multiple camera situations work
without packet collisions, i.e. data loss.
115,000,000 is the typical data maximum data rate for a GigE port.
To calculate the required minimum StreamByetsPerSecond setting for a camera in any image mode, use the following formula:
Bytes per Pixel
NOTE: If you are seeing
black images
, or
frames/packets reported as StatFramesDropped/StatPacketsDropped
you will likely need to decrease this parameter.
For controlling when the camera sends data to the host computer. Normally the camera sends data to the host computer immediately
after completion of exposure. Enabling StreamHold delays the transmission of data, storing it in on-camera memory, until StreamHold is
This feature can be useful to prevent GigE network flooding in situations where a large number of cameras connected to a single host
computer are capturing a single event. Using the StreamHold function, each camera will hold the event image data until the host
computer disables StreamHold for each camera in turn.
- Read only. The total number of image frames that can be stored in the camera memory. Dependent on the
camera internal memory size and TotalBytesPerFrame.
- Enables StreamHold functionality. When disabled, the image data will be released to the host computer.