GX3300 Technical Manual
Page 35
After an acquisition start event, the camera will continuously capture images into the camera on-board memory, but
will not send them to the host until an AcqRec trigger signal is received. Further AcqRec trigger events will be ignored until
acquisition is stopped and restarted.
Combined with the RecorderPreEventCount control, this feature is useful for returning any number of frames
a trigger event.
When AcqRec trigger is received, the currently imaging/aquiring image will complete as normal, and then at least one more image
will be taken. See RecorderPreEventCount.
The memory is a circular buffer, that is, once it is full starts rewriting images. Its size is determined by AcquisitionFrameCount.
A command. In SampleViewer, when selected a dialog box appears at the bottom of the controls screen showing an
AcquisitionStart button which will start the camera imaging when pressed.
- A command. In SampleViewer, when selected a dialog box appears at the bottom of the controls screen showing an
AcquisitionStop button which will stop the image stream when pressed.
The number of images returned before the AcqRec trigger event, with AquisitionFrameCount minus
RecorderPreEventCount images being returned after the trigger event. Valid only when AcquisitionMode equals Recorder.
NOTE: at least one image must be captured after the AcqRec trigger event. That is, you cannot set RecorderPreEventCount = 1,
AcquisitionFrameCount = 1.
Prosilica's GigE cameras are capable of storing a number of user-specified configurations within the camera's non-volatile memory. These
saved configurations can be used to define the power-up settings of the camera or to quickly switch between a number of predefined
ConfigFileIndex - The index number corresponding to the configuration set that you are currently working with. Possible settings:
Factory, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
A command. In SampleViewer, selecting this control will reveal a button at the bottom of the controls list that,
when pressed, will load the configuration corresponding to ConfigFileIndex.
ConfigFilePowerUp - The saved configuration that will load when the camera powers up. Possible settings: Factory, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
ConfigFileSave - A command. In SampleViewer, selecting this control will reveal a button at the bottom of the controls list that,
when pressed, will save the current camera settings into the non-volatile memory location currently indicated by ConfigFileIndex.
The Factory setting cannot be overwritten.
The automatic exposure, gain, and whitebalance features can be configured to respond only to a subregion within the image scene. This
feature can be used to choose a subregion that will 'meter' the rest of the image. This feature works like the region metering on a
photographic camera.
DSPSubregionBottom - defines the bottom of the region in pixels. Defaults to a huge number much larger than the maximum
number of sensor rows.
DSPSubregionLeft - defines the position of left edge of the DSP subregion. Measured in pixels from the left edge. Defaults to zero.
DSPSubregionRight - defines the position of the right edge of the DSP subregion as measured from the left side of the image.
Defaults to a huge number much larger than the maximum number of sensor columns.
DSPSubregionTop - Defines the top edge of the DSP subregion defined as the number of pixels from the top edge of the full image.
Defaults to zero.