Chapter 1
CentreCOM Multiport Repeater
AT-3012T 10BASE-T
12 Port Repeater
The CentreCOM Multiport Repeaters are designed to connect up to twelve
IEEE 802.3 10BASE-T network segments. In addition to the twisted pair
interfaces, a single IEEE 802.3 Attachment Unit Interface (AUI) is provided
for attachment to other external transceivers. In this way, the repeater
allows for connection between the different media (thick or thinnet coaxial,
fiber optic and twisted pair) with the choice of the appropriate transceiver.
The AT-3012T multiport repeaters utilize the latest technologies including a
custom Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) and Surface Mount
Technology (SMT) which provide enhanced functionality, increased reliability,
and improved price and performance.
The CentreCOM Multiport Repeaters provide packet regeneration which
results in a higher performance network. Packet regeneration includes
regenerating preamble, retiming of the data packets, and extending collision
fragments to ensure collision enforcement by all nodes.
These repeaters support IEEE compliant features along with additional
functions which further ensure fault protection and proper network
operation. The IEEE 802.3 defined link integrity test function continually
monitors the twisted pair cable to ensure link continuity of the receive pair
between the user node and the repeater.
Each segment is equipped with an auto partitioning capability in which each
segment automatically partitions after repeated collisions are detected. An
external switch is also provided to manually partition each of the segments.
Finally, the repeater supports jabber lock-up protection which prevents
attached transceivers from experiencing jabber lock-up. This function
ensures isolation of faulty segments resulting from transmitted packets that
exceed the maximum packet length.