Rockwell Automation Publication 1789-UM002K-EN-P - January 2015
System Performance Tuning Guidelines
Appendix E
System Startup
There are much greater CPU demands on the personal computer during system
starts up. This is due to the fact that the SoftLogix controller restores its
application program so that it can restart in the same state as it was shutdown.
This restore is done at a high priority level so that the time from ‘power button
press’ to running the control application is as short as possible. While the restore
is occurring, other Windows applications are also putting demands on the
personal computer system during their Start-up phase.
If the system CPU load is too great during startup, Windows displays the Server
Busy dialog box. If this condition occurs for other applications, such as SQL
server, Microsoft Internet Information Server, Virus scanners, or disk defraggers,
you should delay starting other Rockwell applications, such as RSSQL and
RSView, until after the controller has completed its restore process and begins
executing its application.
A SoftLogix controller with a typical application on a contemporary personal
computer takes about one to two minutes to complete Powerup and restore of
the application. See A2048/A9662 TechNote on how to delay the startup of
other applications on the personal computer.
Monitor Personal Computer
Standard installations of the Windows XP operating system include a personal
computer performance utility that is useful for monitoring send and receive
parameters. This utility is available as part of Administrative Tools.
You might have to customize the Start menu to display the Administrative Tools
option. To do this, follow these steps.
Right-click Start and choose Properties.