F:\C - E\ECOMAX\COAL BOILER\Instructions and Manuals\Coal Boiler Manual Rev 6.doc
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Starting the Appliance After it has Been Shut Down for a Long
Have the flue cleaned by an approved serviceman.
Make sure the power is off to the appliance.
Check for any signs of rust, moisture or condensation in the Hopper,
Combustion Chamber, Heat Exchanger Tubes and the area around the Ash Pan.
Remove any moisture. Ensure any potential source of moisture is removed.
Check the Burn Pot is in good condition, with nothing blocking the holes, and
no gaps where the Burn Pot seats on the Retort.
Check the Ash Valve operation is free, but firm, and there are no gaps around
the mating surfaces. Ensure the Ash Valve is fully closed.
Check that the Scrubber Coils are all moving freely. If any of them are jammed
or are difficult to move, they MUST be freed or replaced.
Check the condition of the gearbox and motor. The oil should be clean.
Plug the appliance back into the wall.
Check the operation of the Coal Feed Screw without any coal in the appliance.
You should be able to see the Auger turning slowly at the bottom of the
Still without any coal in the appliance, turn the appliance on. Listen for the
Blower and make sure it sounds normal (no excessive rattling or vibration).
Check the water pressure of the system. If it has dropped significantly, there
may be a leak.
Fill the Hopper with a small amount of fresh coal. Prime the system (see
Operating for the First Time/Priming section).
Run the appliance and check that it runs smoothly before filling the Hopper to
the top with fresh coal.