F:\C - E\ECOMAX\COAL BOILER\Instructions and Manuals\Coal Boiler Manual Rev 6.doc
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When the heating system is up to temperature and no more heat is required, the
temperature in the water jacket will make the Blower and Coal Feed Screw turn off.
The pump will continue running until the temperature in the water jacket has cooled
enough. The flame in the Burn Pot will die off and the fuel will smolder for up to
twenty four hours. Once the temperature in the water jacket has dropped enough the
Coal Feed Screw and Blower will start up again, reigniting the flame and generating
The boiler will need to be checked at least once a day with the Scrubber Coils moved
up and down in the Heat Exchanger Tubes, the Burn Pot checked for stones or
blockages and the general operation checked.
Notes on Fuel Selection
It is essential that the boiler is only used with the correct, pea sized coal. Ensure the
fuel supplier is supplying the correct sized coal for a domestic boiler. The coal must
not be damp or wet, as this will cause poor combustion and increase the chances of
wear in the Coal Feed Screw.
Poor combustion can lead to too much smoke, and if the Smoke Back Tube is not
clear then smoke can enter the Coal Feed Screw Pipe and Hopper and form
condensation and metal wearing substances. If water is able to enter the Hopper
through a poorly sealed lid, or a poor seal between the Hopper and the Boiler Hopper
then similar problems can occur.