F:\C - E\ECOMAX\COAL BOILER\Instructions and Manuals\Coal Boiler Manual Rev 6.doc
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the temperature of the water in the appliance. This ensures the Coal Boiler will get up
to an ideal temperature operating range before it starts to circulate the water. If the
pump is not connected to the Coal Boiler, the appliance may not be able to heat the
water sufficiently and the warranty on the appliance may be voided. A mixing valve
may also be used to maintain the water temperature in the water jacket.
During the process of filling the system with water, all the air needs to be bled out to
prevent an air lock developing and water flow being inhibited.
Where possible all piping should be lagged. This will ensure the best possible thermal
efficiency of the system, and make it cheaper to run.
A typical schematic for a domestic installation is shown below.