F:\C - E\ECOMAX\COAL BOILER\Instructions and Manuals\Coal Boiler Manual Rev 6.doc
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Optimising Boiler Operation
Each batch of coal will have slightly different burning characteristics. Each time a
new batch is run through, check the flame in the Burn Pot. It should be a short, bright
orange or yellow flame all the way around the outside of the Burn Pot, with darker,
unburnt fuel coming up through the middle. There should not be unburnt coal in the
Ash Pan.
If the flame is long, dark and sooty looking, and unburnt coal is observed in the ash
pan it is running too rich. Reduce the fuel input by either decreasing the Coal Feed
Screw ON time or increasing the Coal Feed Screw OFF time. Open up the plate on the
Blower to allow more air into the combustion chamber.
If the flame is very bright and burning below the edge of the burn pot it may be
running too lean. Increase the fuel input by either increasing the Coal Feed Screw ON
time or decreasing the Coal Feed Screw OFF time. Close up the plate on the Blower
by a small amount to allow less air into the combustion chamber.
Check on the flame again after about ten minutes and adjust the settings further if
It is essential for maximum efficiency that the flue and Combustion Chamber surfaces
are kept as clean as possible.