This chapter details:
The additional functions offered on the S keys (from the window and the USB keyboard)
The operation of the keys pre-programmed by the system administrator
S Keys
During call handling, additional functions (presented on the S keys) can be used for the
following operations:
keys are used to change page.
Chained Call
Routing with chained release.
Routing with chained release allows the attendant to transfer an external call to an internal set.
The external party is rerouted to the attendant set as soon as the internal user has on-hooked.
The same call can therefore be routed to several sets in succession.
Charged Call
Routing with charged release.
During the routing of an external outgoing call to an internal user, the charged release
activates the call back to the attendant set when the internal set on-hooks. Answering the call
back displays the identity of the set and the number of charge units charged to this set.
Release Ctrl
Routing with release control.
During the routing of an external call to a busy internal set, the attendant can put the call on
hold with release control. When the internal user on-hooks, their set is not rung, but the
external call returns to the attendant set. The attendant can then route it to the called user.
Frwrd Attnd
Forwarding between attendants.
The attendant can forward an internal or external call to another attendant (or attendant group)
whose set is in service and available. The attendant can thus successively route the same call
to several user sets.
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