Power requirement :
AC 120 V 60 Hz
Power consumption :
105 W (with options)
Frequency response :
20 Hz - 20 kHz, +1 dB - –2 dB
T.H.D. (total harmonic distortion) :
Less than 0.1 % (input = +10 dB/1 kHz, output = +4 dB/RL 600
Equivalent input noise :
–128 dB (Rs = 150
Input sensitivity = –60 dB typical)
Residual noise :
–93 dB typical
Maximum voltage gain :
84 dB: MIC/LINE(1-16) in to BUS out
84 dB: MIC/LINE(1-16) in to MASTER out
84 dB: MIC/LINE(1-16) in to AUX out
Common Mode Rejection Ratio :
More than 80 dB (1kHz)
Crosstalk :
90 dB typical (1kHz)
Dynamic Range (Fs = 48kHz, DIN audio filter) :
113 dB typical : DA converter (digital in to analog out)
112 dB typical : AD converter (analog in to digital out)
110 dB typical : AD + DA (analog in to analog out)
AD Converter :
24 bit, 64 times oversampling (input 1 to 16)
20 bit, 64 times oversampling (aux returns 3 to 6)
DA Converter :
24 bit, 64 times oversampling (MASTER, MONITOR A)
24 bit, 128 times oversampling (MONITOR B)
20 bit, 128 times oversampling (aux returns 3 to 6)
Internal signal processing :
32 bit (Dynamic range 192 dB)
Sampling Frequency (Fs) :
Internal: 44.1 kHz and 48 kHz
External: 44.1 kHz ± 6 % and 48 kHz ± 6 %
Signal delay :
Less than 2.5 ms, MIC/LINE input to MASTER out
Audio Mixer
ORDER NO. AVS9805093C1
1 9 9 8 M a t s u s h i t a C o m m u n i c a t i o n I n d u s t r i a l C o . , L t d .
A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . U n a u t h o r i z e d c o p y i n g a n d
d i s t r i b u t i o n i s a v i o l a t i o n o f l a w .
The Meter Bridge shown in photo is one of the optional accessories.