How to Build the Time Manipulator Guitar Pedal.
This document will guide you to build and test your Time Manipulator guitar pedal.
With all the materials on hand, it takes around 3-4 hours to build it. Try not to rush
and take your time. Play your favourite background music and enjoy the fine art of
building your own guitar effects.
We strongly recommend reviewing the entire instructions before starting. It takes 2
minutes to get a global idea of the build and may save you hours of frustration.
This guide aims to build and test the circuit at the same time in a logical order:
placing the components from small to big and testing.
STEP 0 – Prepare the Material:
You would need:
Soldering iron with a small tip.
Solder wire.
Cutting pliers.
Time Manipulator Kit.
Keep in short hand the PCB plan and the Bill of Materials.
1590BBS Fuzz Drilling Stencil PDF.