6. Click on one of the tabs to access the corresponding service.
The modifications made to each service take effect once the attendant selects a new
service or clicks on Apply.
Info: displays information on the user, their cost center, operating class of service
(category), metering (charging) parameters, etc.
DND: enables the Do Not Disturb function on the user's set.
Passwd: resets the password on the user's set.
Forward: used to program certain forwards on the user's set:
no forwarding
unconditional forwarding
forwarding on busy
forwarding on no answer
forwarding on busy and no answer
The main line forwarding and secondary line forwarding functions are only available for
multiline sets.
Enter the number of the set to which calls are to be forwarded.
To delete a forward, choose No forwarding in the list or press Reset.
Click on Apply to store the changes.
Click on Close to close the window.
Metering (charging)
Configuration of the tracking of costs is the system administrator's responsibility. On the 4059
console, the metering (charging) function is used to configure the charge counters for the
users, send a financial report, and monitor user calls.
In the Extension menu, select Service mode (or press the F10 key). Select Charging.
When the call has been transmitted via a QSIG network, the application can only display the number of
charging units, not the actual call cost.
The counter is used to obtain call costs per set and per system node. Since this information is
of a sensitive nature, it is advisable for the system administrator to limit access to it using a
Double-click on Counter:
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