Set placed on hold (or transfer)
Set busy or in conversation
Wrong number (or set out of service, or access prohibited) On Hold Call
This field displays information concerning an internal or external consultation call initiated by
the attendant (to transfer the main call, for example).
It gives the name, the directory number called, the class of service for the connection (to the
public network) of the set, the nature of the call and the entity to which the set belongs.
The information field for the call in progress is in color; the field for the main caller is grayed out.
Function Keys
There are six function keys available to the attendant. These functions, relating to call
handling, are only carried out using the keys numbered S1 to S6 (on the window or on the
USB keyboard).
The functions associated with keys S1 to S6 depend on the status of the call in progress.
keys on the keyboard correspond to the
keys on the screen. They
are used to move from one page to another if more than six functions are programmed.
Date and Time
This field, located at the bottom of the 4059 window, gives the PC date and time.
The attendant can change the date and time on their PC. They must have authorization from the system
administrator to modify them on the Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise CS. If there is a difference
between the time on the PC and the time on the Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX, when starting the application,
a dialog box prompts the attendant to contact the system administrator to rectify the problem.
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