The IP attendant features are activated only when all of the following actions are completed:
the PC is connected to the TCP/IP network
the 4059 IP application is running
the attendant is activated (refer to module Alcatel-Lucent 4059 attendant console -
Introduction to the 4059 Attendant console / Call window)
Once the IP Attendant features are activated, the associated Alcatel-Lucent 8 series or
Alcatel-Lucent 9 series set is dedicated to the attendant audio features and cannot be used as
a standard set. Any call to this set is forwarded to the attendant.
When the IP Attendant features are not activated, the Alcatel-Lucent 8 series or Alcatel-Lucent
9 series set can be used as a non-attendant dedicated set and no attendant features are
available. Refer to module Alcatel-Lucent 4059 attendant console / Introduction to the 4059
Attendant console / Attendant set in IP or mixed IP configurations for the incompatible set
Interactions with other features are detailed in the following table:
IP attendant activated
IP attendant deactivated
All signalization about mail is
disabled on the set (the LED
is off)
All message features that are
standard on the set are
The set retrieves mail signaliz-
ation and features
Associated Alcatel-Lucent 8
series / Alcatel-Lucent 9
series set is immediately for-
Attendant checked-in, all the
calls to Alcatel-Lucent 8 series
/ Alcatel-Lucent 9 series set
reach the attendant.
A set XXX is immediately for-
warded to the associated Alc-
atel-Lucent 8 series / Alcatel-
Lucent 9 series set:
Attendant checked-in, all the
calls to the XXX set reach the
Associated Alcatel-Lucent 8
series / Alcatel-Lucent 9
series set is immediately for-
Attendant checked-out, all the
calls to Alcatel-Lucent 8 series
/ Alcatel-Lucent 9 series follow
the forward.
A set XXX is immediately for-
warded to the associated Alc-
atel-Lucent 8 series / Alcatel-
Lucent 9 series set:
Attendant checked-out, all the
calls to the XXX set reach the
associated Alcatel-Lucent 8
series / Alcatel-Lucent 9
series set.
Same as Forward
Same as Forward
Same as Forward
Same as Forward
Call back
The set is protected
against call back
The set cannot request a
call back
The set is protected against
call back
Same as out of service set (if the attendant is plugged-in)
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