still trunks free, pressing this key corresponds to an ordinary seizure without dialing of an
external trunk from this supervised trunk group.
The attendant can configure a supervision icon (see the Alcatel-Lucent 4059 Attendant
Console - Management from the attendant console - Supervision icons) so that this icon shows
the status of the supervised trunk group in real time.
Out of Service Trunk Supervision
This feature warns the attendant of a trunk malfunction (no tone on seizure). When this key is
pressed, the display shows the number of the defective termination(s).
The termination can be isolated from the trunk group (see the Alcatel-Lucent 4059 Attendant
Console - Management from the attendant console - Decommissioning a defective external
The attendant can configure a supervision icon (see the Alcatel-Lucent 4059 Attendant
Console - Management from the attendant console - Supervision icons) so that this icon shows
the status of the supervised trunk group in real time.
Individual Hold
Individual hold puts an external outgoing or incoming party on hold on a specific circuit.
Pressing the key connects the party to this individual circuit connected to the hold music.
Several keys can be programmed for individual hold, according to the size of the system.
The party can only be retrieved from the idle state. If the attendant console switches to idle
mode, calls on hold are redistributed after a timer.
Transfer with Privilege
This feature lets the attendant transfer an external outgoing trunk to a user set if the
corresponding direct seize prefix is programmed on this key. The user will then dial the
external party number as a call in direct seize.
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