Function Card #8
Function Cards 3 through 7 are not recognized by DL-Windows. Therefore, DL-Windows will not send the data for
Function Cards 3-7 to the AL-DTM, nor will the AL-DTM be able to send this Function Card data to the PL3500
lock. Accordingly, Function Cards are designed to be used for limited-use installations where DL-Windows will not
be used. When User Numbers are printed in the Audit log, Function Cards 3-7 will appear as User Numbers
Enables and Resets Function Card #9 (User 297)
Function Card #8 (assigned to User 297) possesses the unique ability to enable Function Card #9 (assigned to
User 300). When Function Card #8 is presented to the lock, User 300 is enabled, allowing Function Card #9 to
unlock the PL3500 (for one time). Once used, Function Card #9 (User 300) becomes disabled.
For example, you wish to allow one-time access to a temporary worker. Simply present Function Card #8 to the
lock and give Function Card #9 to your temporary worker. Later, when the temporary worker presents Function
Card #9 to the lock, the PL3500 unlocks and allows access (for one time only). If the temporary worker re-
presents Function Card #9, access will be denied. Later, if you wish to grant the temporary worker re-access, sim-
ply re-present Function Card #8 to the lock (no need to have possession of Function Card #9) and Function Card
#9 will be re-enabled (again for one time only).
Function Card #9 is enabled from the factory after the PL3500 is started for the first time. When Func-
tion Card #9 is first presented after the PL3500 is first put into service, the PL3500 will unlock even without
Function Card #8 being presented first. However, once presented, Function Card #9 will then become dis-
Activate Function Card #9 as follows:
Present Function Card #8 to the lock. The PL3500 unlocks and the green LED blinks twice, accompa-
nied by two beeps. After the door unlock delay time, the PL3500 re-locks and flashes a red LED.
Function Card #9 is now activated and is ready to be used for as long as the lock is in continuous op-
eration (months and years can pass--Function Card #9 will still be active and ready to use).
When Function Card #9 is presented, the door will unlock in the standard manner (two green LED
flashes and two beeps will sound).
If Function Card #9 is re-presented without Function Card #8 being presented first, the lock will sound a
series of 6 warning beeps and will flash a combination red and green LED with 4 additional red LED
warning flashes.
Function Card # 8