Quick Start
The following Quick Start guide outlines how to get your lock up and running quickly. Function Cards will be enrolled, there-
fore before starting, label the 9 proximity cards (provided) with the numbers 1 through 9, and have these labeled cards at
hand before starting. If you do not wish to enroll Function Cards (and wish to only program your lock via DL-Windows or via
an AL-DTM), proceed to
First Time Start Up--Using DL-Windows Only
(page 13).
First Time Start Up--Using Function Cards
Unpack the lock
from its factory packaging.
Install fresh batteries
in the battery pack, with attention to the correct polarity as indicated inside the plastic battery
pack housing.
With battery power disconnected, short the two white wires
Remote Input
wires) together for 10 seconds to
ensure discharge of all capacitors.
After 10 seconds, remove the short
Connect the battery pack
. The lock will immediately sound 3 short beeps (if these 3 beeps are not heard, then re-
start at step 3).
5. Within 3 seconds, press and hold down the outside door handle until the lock sounds more slow beeps, 1 beep for
every second it takes to clear the memory. The outside door handle may be released as soon as these beeps are
6. After a few more seconds, the LED will slowly alternate between flashing red and green.
7. The lock LED will flash green and red.
Within 30 seconds, present the Function Card #1
to the lock.
The lock will count out 5 slow beeps, indicating
the lock is about to enter "Function Card Enrollment Mode".
The lock LED will flash green, and the sounder will beep rapidly. The lock is ready to enroll the Function Cards.
Re-present Function Card #1 to the lock
. The lock LED will flash green twice, with two beeps.
Present Function Card #2
to the lock. Again, the lock LED will flash green twice, with two beeps.
Continue to present, in order, Function Cards 3 through 9
. Each time a new Function Card is presented,
the lock LED will flash green twice, with two beeps (indicating the card was enrolled successfully).
do not have to present all 9 Function Cards. For example, if you wish only to use Function Cards #1 through 3,
simply allow the allow the lock 30 seconds to timeout after presenting Function Card #3.
13. After the 9th Function card is presented, the lock LED will flash green twice, sound two beeps, and will then be
ready to use.
Enroll ProxCards
These ProxCards
will be distributed to Users to allow them access to the protected door.
Present Function Card #3 to the lock
. The green LED will flash continuously (with beeping).
Present the first proximity card you wish to enroll
. When presented, the beeping will momentarily stop, and the
red LED will flash, indicating that the card is enrolled. The proximity card will be assigned to User 301. The beep-
ing and green LED flashing will continue.
Present the second proximity card you wish to enroll
. Again, when presented, the beeping will momentarily
stop, and the red LED will flash, indicating that the card is enrolled. The proximity card will be assigned to User 302.
4. You can continue entering cards in this way, automatically incrementing the User number with each presentation of
a ProxCard, up to User Number 2000. If you wish, you can keep track of the enrolled cards and their distribution by
using the Record Sheet located on page 25.
5. When finished, or after 30 seconds without a card presentation,
the lock will automatically end the enrollment
(beeping and flashing will stop) and be ready for use.
(1) If all User locations are occupied (User Numbers 301-2000), the lock will sound an error sequence (5 beeps
with 5 flashing red LED's) and the unit will exit the enrollment sequence and be ready for use. (2) Attempting to enter a
card already in the lock will also sound an error sequence (5 beeps with 5 flashing red LED's) and the unit will exit the
enrollment sequence and be ready for use.