Configuration of the Transmitter
21 (28)
Sesam 800 L99 RX/RXD/RX DIN (original instructions)
Document-ID: 942858-000 EN
Version: C1
Author: SH
Configuration of the Transmitter
13.1 Group ID
All Sesam 800 transmitters have a factory pre-programmed unique identity
(ID). This is a number between 1000000 and 16777214.
In addition to the pre-programmed unique ID, the Sesam L99 has support for
Group ID. A group ID consists of a six digit number that the user can configure
on the transmitter. Transmitters with the same Group ID is considered identical
by the controlled receivers. This means that transmitters can be organized in
groups. This increases the flexibility and simplifies the maintenance on large
installations. Each receiver is capable of learning/storing up to 500 Group IDs,
one for each position on the memory card.
If no Group ID is configured, the transmitter will use factory ID settings.
Configuration of the Group ID in the Transmitter
1. Choose a suitable Group ID (either a new code, 000001 to 999999 or a
group code already in use).
Remove the back side of the transmitter (see fig. 15).
3. Remove one battery.
4. Press the bottom left button (*) on the transmitter while inserting the battery.
5. Continue pressing the button until the text “A i D” is displayed in the
transmitter display.
Enter the six digit code using the keyboard (the transmitter LED will flash
once for each button that is pressed).
After the entire code has been entered in the transmitter, the transmitter display
will show “
A i
” followed by the entered value.
7. Save the entered Group ID by pressing “#” button on the transmitter within
10 seconds.
If the Group ID has been accepted, the display window will show “
8. Verify the transmitter functionality by testing the transmitter on a receiver
with the correct Group ID.
Mount the back side of the transmitter (see fig. 17).
The transmitter can be restored to factory settings by entering “000000” as ID.
For safety reasons, only group ID’s less than 100000 can be viewed using this
configuration method.