2 (28)
Table of Contents
__________________________________________________ 3
4 Maintenance ______________________________________________ 3
____________________________________ 4
Description of the System __________________________________ 5
6.1 Receivers _________________________________________________ 5
6.2 Transmitter ________________________________________________ 6
Description of the Receivers _________________________________ 6
Installation of the Receiver __________________________________ 9
8.1 Placement of the Receiver ____________________________________ 9
8.2 Antenna Placement ________________________________________ 10
8.3 Connections on the Receiver (all models) _______________________ 10
Indicators on the Receivers ________________________________ 11
9.1 Sesam 800 RX ___________________________________________ 11
9.2 Sesam 800 RXD __________________________________________ 11
9.3 Sesam 800 RX DIN ________________________________________ 12
_______________________________ 12
10.1 Sesam 800 RX ___________________________________________ 12
10.2 Sesam 800 RX DIN ________________________________________ 13
10.3 Sesam 800 RXD __________________________________________ 13
10.4 High Security Transmission Mode _____________________________ 17
10.5 Memory Card (only Sesam 800 RXD) __________________________ 17
Description of the Sesam 800 L99 ___________________________ 19
11.1 Indications on the Transmitter ________________________________ 20
_________________________________________ 20
Configuration of the Transmitter
____________________________ 21
13.1 Group ID _________________________________________________ 21
13.2 Display Window Illumination__________________________________ 22
Installation of Holder ______________________________________ 23
14.1 Mounting and Attach Holder
14.2 Installation of Power Supply to the Holder
14.3 The Holder Antenna Placement
14.4 Make the holder powerless __________________________________ 24
Replacing Batteries in the Transmitter
Error Codes _____________________________________________ 26
Receiver Drill Measure for RX and RXD _______________________ 27
17.1 Measure for RX DIN ________________________________________ 27