Sabaf (Round) Manifold with plug-in thermocouple
Original mercury free system (Ranges with an A in the model number). Used exclusively in all Suburban
mercury free ranges from 2004 through 2006.
Used concurrently with the square manifold system (BSI) from late 2006 through early 2009.
Since early 2009 the Sabaf manifold was used on some sealed burner and all glass top models.
Individual components available separately
BSI (Square) Manifold
First used in late 2006
Used concurrently along with Sabaf manifolds on all conventional and sealed burner model ranges from late
2006 through mid 2009
Used exclusively on all conventional burner model ranges (N in the model number) from mid 2009 through
mid 2011
Used concurrently with Copreci manifold (round manifold with screw in style thermocouple) on all
conventional burner model ranges from mid 2011 to present date
Used currently with sealed burner models
All components only available as an assembly
Copreci Manifold (Round) Manifold With screw in thermocouple
Initial release in mid 2011
Used concurrently with BSI on all conventional burner model ranges from January 2012 to present
All components only available as an assembly