Failure code
Failure code
Failure code description: (failure code of the whole system is showed as 8 bits, so totally 256
codes. Indoor failure code should be judged by the table and the unit number)
Failure codes are distributed as follows:
0~19: indoor failure code
20~99: outdoor failure code
100~109: DC motor failure code
110~125: inverter module failure code
126~127: software auto-check failure code
Physical master unit:
Dip swiches SW9, SW10, SW11 are at 0, 0, 0, LD displays failure code 20~127, it is the master
failure code.
Dip swiches SW9, SW10, SW11 are 1, 0, 0, LD displays failure code 20~127, it is failure code of
No. 1 slave unit.
Dip swiches SW9, SW10, SW11 are 2, 0, 0, LD displays failure code 20~127, it is failure code of
No. 2 slave unit.
Physical slave unit:
Dip swiches SW9, SW10, SW11 are at 0, 0, 0, LD displays failure code 20~127, it is single slave
unit failure code.
Outdoor failure code display principle on wired controller:
When outdoor compressor is running, indoor wired controller will display the failure code of
outdoor with higher priority. When compressor stops, it displays all indoor failures. The indoor
failures will be classified as below: sensor failure, inverter board failure, fan motor driving board
failure, any protections etc.
Outdoor failure code exists in EEPROM, in which 5 failure codes can be kept.
Indoor failure code exists in EEPROM, in which 5 failure codes can be kept.
Clear failure code by indoor or outdoor.