Air Techniques, Inc.
Page 16
Classic, Ortho & Intraoral
Handle PSPs with Care.
Do not crease PSPs .
Avoid scratching or soiling PSPs .
Do not store PSPs in a hot or moist area .
Protect the PSPs from direct sunlight and ultraviolet rays .
Pick up the PSPs using two fingers around the edges to avoid unnecessary contact with the plates .
Plate Protection
When storing or transferring extraoral size PSPs use an X-ray Cassette for PSPs so as not to scratch or
soil the sensitive surface or nick the edges .
Cassettes must not contain intensifying screens when using PSPs.
X-ray Cassette.
Place the PSP into the appropriate X-ray Cassette with the sensitive (front) side of the
PSP towards the Tube-side of the cassette and close cassette .
PSPs must always be erased prior to use.
Use PSPs within 24 hours of last erasure. Repeat erasing process if PSPs
have been stored longer than 24 hours.
Erasing PSPs
Each PSP should be used (i .e . X-ray exposed and scanned) within 24 hours of erasure since natural
radiation will add noise to the PSP . Erase PSPs by simply using the In-Line Erase Feature . Erasing of PSPs
can be accomplished using one of the following methods .
Both erasing methods will result in an erased PSP suitable for reuse. The user
will not observe any difference in ScanX operation when using either method.
Method #1
Perform the Activate Scanner and the Scanning and Erasing Plates procedures on pages 19 thru
21 for either intraoral or extraoral as necessary . Except when performing step 4 of the Activate
Scanner procedure, select the
option from the installed imaging software to activate ScanX .
This method does
scan the plate and no image will be acquired .
Method #2
Perform the Activate Scanner and the Scanning and Erasing Plates procedures on pages
19 thru 21 for either intraoral or extraoral as necessary . This method scans the plate and
then erases the plate . Using this method, the imaging software may acquire a “junk image”
(scanned latent plate image) that should be subsequently deleted from the imaging software .