1.1. Application
1.1.1. AFLOWT BUF M battery powered ultrasonic flow meter of BUF-310 ver-
sion is designed to measure average volumetric flow rate and volume of
bidirectional flows of cold water.
The flow meters may be used as part of metering systems and com-
plexes, in heat metering systems, automatic process control systems in
power industry and municipal, etc.
1.1.2. AFLOWT BUF M battery powered ultrasonic flow meter of BUF-310 ver-
sion performs the following functions:
- Measuring average volumetric flow rate in either forward or reverse flow
- Totalizing volume of forward and reverse flows independently or calcu-
lating their algebraic sum regarding flow direction
- Determining the current value of flow velocity and flow direction
- Output of measurement results to the frequency/pulse or logic output
- Output of measurement data on the indicator, as well as through the M-
Bus interface or Wireless M-Bus interface
- Output of measuring, diagnostic, installation, archive and other infor-
mation via RS-485 serial interface or NFC radio transponder according
to ISO 15693
- Archiving of measurement results and setting parameters in energy-inde-
pendent memory
- Possibility of entering setting parameters by means of software, consid-
ering individual features and characteristics of the measurement object
- Automatic control and indication of emergencies and failures, as well as
recording of their type and duration in the archives
- Protection of the archival and adjusting data from unapproved access.