For Technicians | AfiPass II Installation Guide
Mounting the Components
Mount the AfiPass II components according to the steps below.
Mounting the Antennas
Confirm the environment provides an option to mount the antenna, where the cables and antenna
are protected from animals and surrounding elements (such as constant exposure to water/steam).
Note: Special consideration must be made to protecting the cables from animal licking and
chewing. We recommend ducting the cables within the stall work itself.
Before mounting the antenna, consider the following:
The ear (left or right) on which the tags are located.
The Stall type, size (specifically – the stall width), and structure.
The location of the cow's head within the stall, and any movement restrictions to the cow's
head while in the stall.
The presence of metal loops, which substantially decrease the
antenna's ID coverage. Antenna should not be mounted closer than 10
cm (in parallel) to any closed metal loops or plates in the parlor
construction and metal works. Open structures (such as "U"-shaped) or
perpendicular loops don’t affect the range.
Existing structures within the stall (for example, feeding troughs, chest
bars, neck rail, overhead bars, walls).
Note: See Chapter 5 for examples of brackets on which to mount the
antenna, and various mounting solutions for different parlor setups.
The antenna location and position varies according to the parlor type, metal works, Breast rail type,
and position. Consequently, each mounting procedure depends on the current setup of the parlor.