Center of Gravity
2 1/4” Back
Measured off the Top Wing
From the Wings Leading Edge at the
Wing Tip
1. Measure C.G. from Top Wing at the Wing Tip
3. Start at recommended CG until you are comfort-
able with the flight characteristics of the aircraft.
You may find this a bit nose heavy at first but
that is fine to start with. After you are comfort-
able adjust the CG to suit your flying style in
small steps, especially when shifting the CG to-
ward the tail. Move the battery or add small
stick on weights to the nose or tail as necessary.
4. For aerobatic flying a more aft balance point is
better. For smooth sport flying a more forward
CG is better. An aircraft that is too nose heavy
does not fly well and is difficult to land. A tail
heavy aircraft is uncontrollable and will likely
Balance the 50cc Pitts Python ARF-QB without
fuel in the tank with the batteries installed and
ready to fly. The engine, radio, servos, and bat-
tery you use will determine the final weight and
locations of equipment. Try to balance the
model by moving the battery and receiver before
adding any ballast.