GUIDE#: pwb-AIrbornE-v1-004
make sure that there are no burrs on the inside of the
top section tubes.
someone will need to hold the top section for you as
you insert the front arms into the top section and con-
nect the hinge fittings into the side rails.
- Lubricate telescopic parts with a light grease before
sliding together.
- Grease will not prevent the smaller diameter tube from
being scratched by the top section tube during insertion
so be very careful not insert the side section tube any
further than the final installation width.
Do the same for the rear arms. It is important to try to
keep the top section centered on the boat during this
Note: the top section can be rotated up or down to be
parallel with the boat.
BE CAREFUL! We CANNOT be liable for any burring or
scratching that may occur when sliding the tube in and
out of the top sections.
Drilling the top section.
the x measurement is a great way to make sure that
your tow point is in the center of your boat. to do this,
measure from the tow point to your rear foot, then to
your other foot. cover your boat with an old sheet or
old cover to make removing the metal shavings easy.
someone should hold the top section while you drill.
ImAGE shows thE
sIDE sEctIon bEInG
AttAchED to thE
sIDE rAIl.