GUIDE#: pwb-AIrbornE-v1-004
installing tHe naVigation ligHt
the navigation light is shipped separately.
It is designed to be installed on the top of the tow point.
for a clean wiring installation the wires supplied can be passed through the
center of the tow point, along the inside of the top section and down inside
the leg tube. The wires will need to exit the leg tube just above the fittings
and then be passed over the fittings before entering back into the side rail
tube. finally the wires will exit the side rail tube just above the mounting foot
and then enter the deck of the boat (through a hole that will need to be
drilled) so that they can be connected to a switch and power source.
Note: The tower is not supplied with pre-drilled wiring holes as each customer
may have a different wiring requirement depending on how they fold their
tower or the accessories that they will mount to the tower.
nAvIGAtIon lIGht
(shIppED sEpArAtEly)