The AEM CAN Dash
- L -
Lap timing 11, 42
LEDs 45
Limit filter 35
Logging 29
- M -
Monitor screen 49
Mounting 7
Moving gauges 51
- O -
Odometer 41
On change page 47
Opening setups 20
Outputs 32
- P -
Programming the display 25
Progressive limit gauge 58
- R -
Rate filter 35
Resizing gauges 51
Round tacho bitmap gauge 61
- S -
Saving setups 20
Scalar sensor 35
adding gauges 50
copy and paste 52
deleting gauges 52
editing gauge properties 52
monitor 49
moving gauges 51
resizing gauges 51
selecting gauges 51
Selecting gauges 51
scalar 35
Settings 44
editor 32
creating 21
opening 20
saving 20
uploading 25
Shape gauge 60
Shift lights 45
Spash screen 50
Standard gauge properties 53
- T -
Tacho gauges 55
Text label gauge 56
time filter 35
Track mapping 42
Turn Blinkers 41
- U -
Updating firmware 31
Uploading setups 25
USB drivers
Installing 11
- V -
Value formatting 53
Value gauge 57
Variable string gauge 56
- W -
- Z -
Z order 52