monitoring live data, note the voltage value when the throttle is completely closed and also when completely open.
Assign the closed throttle voltage to 0 and the full open throttle voltage to 100.
OBDII Setups
AEM’s dash with optional OBDII interface cable P/N 30-2217 puts multiple channels of data at your fingertips by
reading the CAN bus stream of your 2008+ model year vehicle’s OBD port and transmitting those channels to the
dash. To configure your dash for OBDII data display, the dash must first scan your vehicle's OBDII port to identify all
ECUs and available PIDs. PID stands for Parameter ID. These are codes used to request specific data from a
vehicle. To begin the scan process, Launch AEM Dash Design and go to
Tools | Scan Vehicle OBDII...
The OBDII Scan Wizard will launch to guide you through the process.
Be sure the dash is powered up and connect the USB cable between the dash and your PC and not plugged into the
car yet.