Selecting a Gauge
A gauge is selected using either the mouse or keyboard. To select a gauge using the mouse, move the cursor over
the gauge. If gauges are overlapping the topmost gauge is selected. Try moving the mouse to an area where the
gauge to select is not covered by another gauge. Alternatively, use the keyboard. To select a gauge using the
keyboard press the tab key repeatedly until the appropriate gauge is selected. When a gauge is selected a border
appears around it.
Moving a Gauge
A gauge can be moved using either the mouse or the edit window. To move a gauge using the mouse:
Select the gauge with the mouse.
When the cursor appears as a pointing hand
click and drag the gauge to the required position.
To move a gauge using the edit window:
Show the
window by right clicking on the selected gauge or by selecting it from the
Change the values of the
x position
y position
properties to appropriate values.
This is particularly useful in aligning different gauges.
Resizing a Gauge
A gauge can be resized using either the mouse or the edit window. To resize a gauge using the mouse:
Select the gauge with the mouse.
Move the cursor to the border of the gauge which requires resizing. The pointing hand cursor changes to a
sizing cursor depending on the position:
If the cursor is at the top left or bottom right corner of the gauge the cursor changes to a NW-SE cursor
and is resized by dragging that corner.
If the cursor is at the top right or bottom left corner of the gauge the cursor changes to a NE-SW cursor
and is resized by dragging that corner.
If the cursor is at the top or bottom edge of the gauge the cursor changes to a N-S cursor
and is resized
by dragging that side.