Startup and testing the reader
Connect the reader via cable with the serial interface (COM) from your notebook or pc.
Connect the reader with your power supply (9..30V DC). Look after the polarity!
Switch the power supply on. The yellow LED OP of the reader starts to blink.
Start your terminal programme. You have to set the following settings: 8 data bits, 1 start bit
und 1 stop bit, no parity check (often called 8N1), baud rate 19200 baud, no flow control(e.g.
Send the command „VER <CR>“ to the reader. The reader answers with the actual firmware
version (e.g. AEG ID V1.23).
Send the command “MD <SP> 0 <CR>” to the reader. The reader sends No Read messages
(e.g. „FFFFFFFFFF“ or „XXXXXXXXXX“), while there is no transponder in the antenna field
available. The red LED L3 is active. If there is a transponder in the antenna field available the
reader sends its transponder code. The green LED L2 starts to glow.