NAK #41 <CR>
ISO 15693 error 02h: command not recognized
NAK #42 <CR>
ISO 15693 error 03h: option not supported
NAK #43 <CR>
ISO 15693 error 0Fh: unknown error (default)
NAK #44 <CR>
ISO 15693 error 10h: block does not exist
NAK #45 <CR>
ISO 15693 error 11h: block already locked
NAK #46 <CR>
ISO 15693 error 12h: block cannot be changed (locked)
NAK #47 <CR>
ISO 15693 error 13h: not successfully programmed
NAK #48 <CR>
ISO 15693 error 14h: not successfully locked
NAK #49 <CR>
ISO 15693 error A0h-DFh: custom error codes
NAK #50 <CR>
all other ISO 15693 errors: RFU
no read
no error/acknowledge
Upper and lower case
The instruction set isn’t case-sensitiv.
The reader does never send a linefeed. If you use a terminal program it can add the linefeed. You have to
choose the option “displace CR with CR LF”.