4.8.8. BisSourSegTab
Function name long BisSourSegTab
Sets the table of segment info
[IN] long lngPID
// Packet ID (specifies the value acquired
// by BisOpenPacket)
long lngCh
// Channel (1 to 4)
unsigned char * chrBuff // Table of segument info (for the number of
// measurement points)
Return value 0: Normal
1: The IngCh argument is incorrectly specified.
Other: Refer to Section
Set the table of segment info for performing calibration. Set 1 at new segment
started and 0 for segment data continuing. Execute it on writing calibration data.
4.8.9. QrySourSegTab
Function name long QrySourSegTab
Reads the table of segment info
[IN] long lngPID
// Packet ID (specifies the value acquired
// by BisOpenPacket)
long lngCh
// Channel (1 to 4)
[OUT] unsigned char * chrBuff // Table of segument info (for the number of
// measurement points)
Return value 0: Normal
1: The IngCh argument is incorrectly specified.
Other: Refer to Section
Read the table of segment info for performing calibration. Set 1 at new segment
started and 0 for segment data continuing. Execute it on reading calibration data.
Provide a large enough capacity for the memory (on the application side) where
the data is to be saved. API functions do not check the amount of available
memory where the data is to be saved.
The maximum number of measurement points is set to 1601. Therefore, it is
recommended to provide the amount of memory for the maximum number.