FETCh Subsystem
FETCh Subsystem
4.3.1. QryFetcFreq
Function name long QryFetcFreq
Acquires the frequency from point data.
[IN] long lngPID
// Packet ID (specifies the value acquired
// by BisOpenPacket)
long lngCh
// Specify CH (1 to 4)
long lntPntN
// Specifies the point position used to convert
// to the frequency data.
[OUT] double * dblFreq // Returns the acquired frequency (Hz).
Return value
0: Normal
1: The IngCh or IngPntN argument is incorrectly specified.
Other: Refer to Section
The frequency corresponding to the position specified using the argument lng-
PntN is determined. Then, the value is stored in the argument dblFreq.
4.3.2. QryFetcPoin
Function name long QryFetcPoin
Acquires the point from frequency data.
[IN] long lngPID
// Packet ID (specifies the value acquired
// by BisOpenPacket)
long lngCh
// Specify CH (1 to 4)
double dblFreq
// Specifies the frequency position used to convert
// to the point data.
[OUT] long * lngPntN
// Returns the acquired point data.
Return value
0: Normal
1: The IngCh argument is incorrectly specified.
Other: Refer to Section
The point corresponding to the frequency specified using the argument dblFreq
is acquired. Then, the value is stored in the argument lngPntN.