a d v a n c e d i l l u m i n a t i o n . c o m
P u l s a r 3 2 0 M a n u a l
P u l s a r 3 2 0 M a n u a l
10. Subnet Mask is a division of networks into separate pieces.
Essentially you will want both host PC and Pulsar 320 to be on
the same subnet so they can find each other.
Enter the value found from your PC settings.
PC Subnet:
Pulsar 320 Subnet:
The subnet also determines how many unique places are used in
IP address.
Contact your network administrator if you need more assistance.
11. Enter the same value obtained from the PC for default gateway
into the Pulsar 320
PC Default Gateway
Pulsar 320 Subnet
12. Press
13. Close the
Query Dialog
and close the
USB connection
14. Power down the Pulsar 320 and
disconnect the USB cable
15. Connect the Ethernet cable and power the Pulsar ON again
16. Select the TCP/IP icon to open the ECP/IP connection dialog
Appendix D - Figure 26: Pulsar TCP/IP Connection
and IP Dialog Window