a d v a n c e d i l l u m i n a t i o n . c o m
P u l s a r 3 2 0 M a n u a l
P u l s a r 3 2 0 M a n u a l
procedures. Only the codes most commonly encountered in use are listed
here, together with a few which would indicate an internal fault. If a code is
encountered which is not listed here, the operator should contact Technical
Support at Advanced illumination for further assistance. If the corrective action
suggested for the listed error code does not resolve the problem, the operator
should contact Advanced illumination.
6.2 Error Codes
The codes are listed below in bold face with a description of the fault indicated
and a corrective action.
No lighthead detected.
Corrective action – Be sure lighthead is plugged in to output connector. Check
wiring of lighthead to connector.
Signatech I ID1 resistance not within known range.
Corrective action – Verify that lighthead is equipped with Signatech I. Check
wiring of lighthead to connector. Check values of ID1 resistor in connector.
Verify proper value with Ai.
Signatech I ID2 resistance is not within known range.
Corrective action – Same as 352.
Signatech II lighthead definition data is invalid.
Corrective action – Check lighthead wiring to connector. Verify that the
Signatech II identifier integrated circuit (EEPROM) is present in the connector. It
should be attached to pins 11, 12, and 13. Call Ai if identifier integrated circuit is
present, the wiring is correct, and problem persists.
The specified drive channel is invalid.
Corrective action – Select valid drive channel. Check to see if lighthead wiring
in connector is such that lighthead is connected to selected channel.
Error codes 212 through 219 indicate that internal voltage levels are not correct.
If these, or any codes other than those listed above occur, contact Technical
Support at Advanced illumination for assistance. Under no circumstances should
the user attempt repairs on the unit.