List of Tables
Table 3-4. Environmental standard specifications ........................................ ..... 3-13
Table 4-1. Jumpers on a dummy plug to satisfy minimal signal
Table 4-5. DIP switch settings for variable baud rate, switches 6 and 7 ............. 4-13
Table 4-9. AE Host command status response (CSR) codes ............................. 4-19
Table 5-1. HARTING 70 A connector pin descriptions ........................................ 5-13
Table 5-2. HARTING 70 A connector part numbers ...................................... ..... 5-14
Table 5-6. Recommended command sequence and timing ................................ 5-21
Table 6-3. AE Global Services 24 X 7 contact information ............................ ..... 6-15
Advanced Energy
MF 2 kW Generator
List of Tables