All Panels display video incorrectly, or
not at all.
Fault on Ethernet link.
Replace with a device known to be operating correctly.
Have faulty device tested and serviced. Use the “Detect
Status” button on the panel to ensure the link is working
correctly. A green light indicates the panel link is working
Video link is incorrect format, or defective.
Check Video Source and Video Source settings, both in
Nova and at the Video Source.
Distorted video.
Transmit card resolution does not match source.
Check the Transmit card resolution matches source in
Scan board size does not match up.
Ensure the scan board size (pixel pitch) is correctly
defined in NovaStar and resend the
to the panels. For the AV6 Panels this
should be 96x96 pixels which can be
in the
screen connection tab.
Screen has power and signal, but no
video displayed (Black Screen).
Fault on Ethernet link.
Replace with a device known to be operating correctly.
Have faulty device tested and serviced. Use the “Detect
Status” button on the panel to ensure the link is working
correctly. A green light indicates the panel link is working
Fault with the panel(s)
Run the “Self Test” function on the panel(s). On the
main page of the NovaStar software click Display
Control icon, select Self Test, use drop down to select
any option, and press Send. If the panel does not
respond, or the self test runs incorrectly, contact ADJ
Service Dept. To resume usual operation, select the
“Normal” option and press send.
ADJ Products, LLC • Los Angeles, Ca US • Kerkade, Netherlands