The presence of a label with the indication
“AGM” placed on the frame in the rear part of
the machine, identifies that the machine is
equipped with AGM batteries and its suitable
battery charger.
Switching on the machine using the ON/OFF
switch (3), the charge level of the batteries (4) is
A: green led on = batteries charged.
B: orange led on = batteries almost discharged.
C: red led on = complete discharge of the
When the led of the recharger becomes red (C),
contemporarily the led of the ON/OFF switch (3)
becomes red too, with consequent automatic
switching off of all the functions of the machine.
The leds are visible in the rear part of the
machine for the AGM-version, while for the
lithium battery they are placed internally.
During the recharging operations the machine's
functions are disabled.
To charge the batteries, park the machine on a
level surface near to a mains single-phase socket.
Switch off the machine at the on/off switch (3).
Connect the mains cable supplied with the
machine both to the machine (5) and to the
outlet socket as indicated in the figure.
At the end of the recharging phase take off the
mains cable.
The recharge phase is complete only when on the
recharger the green led (A) comes on.
In order not to cause permanent damages to the
batteries, never leave them completely
discharged, providing for their immediate
Furthermore, if a stop of more than two weeks of
the machine is expected, disconnect the battery
connector (see under “CONNECTION BATTERIES”).
It is mandatory to hand over exhausted batteries,
classified as dangerous waste, to an authorized
institution according to the current laws.
Check that the cover of the suction filter (1) is
correctly secured, after rotating the levers (B).
Furthermore, check that the squeegee hose is
correctly seated in its seat (A).