LTPH-TP-1044-01, Issue 1
April 6, 2001
HXU-358 V1.04
Table 8.
System Loopback Definitions
Test Point
Loopback Definition
(a) To perform this loopback command, the DS3 and T1/E1 ports can be in any mode other
than IN-SRVC.
(b) Copies data in both directions. All other loopbacks send AIS to a disconnected segment.
Terminal loopback to the customer at the DS3 line. Activate from the
HXU-358 Test menu.
Facility loopback to the network at the DS3 line. Activate from the HXU-358
Test menu.
Terminal Loopback to the network at the DSX-1 line. Activate from the
HXU-358 Test menu.
Facility loopback to the customer at the DSX-1 line.
Remote facility loopback from the far end DS3 line. Activate from the
HXU-358 Test menu.
Remote terminal loopback from the far end DSX-1 line. Activate from the
HXU-358 Test menu.
Customer remote loopback is activated by selecting the line unit on the Shelf
Status Screen and then the Loopback Mode selection from the HLU
Maintenance Terminal Main Menu.
Network local loopback is activated by selecting the line unit on the Shelf
Status screen and then the Loopback Mode selection from the HLU
Maintenance Terminal Main Menu.
(c) The number of the doubler in the line from 1 to 4.
Customer doubler n loopback is activated by selecting the line unit on the
Shelf Status screen and then the Loopback Mode selection from the HLU
Maintenance Terminal Main Menu.
Network doubler n loopback is activated by selecting the line unit on the Shelf
Status screen and then the Loopback Mode selection from the HLU
Maintenance Terminal Main Menu.
Customer local loopback is activated by selecting the line of the Shelf Status
screen and then the Loopback Mode selection from the HLU Maintenance
Terminal Main Menu.
Network remote loopback is activated by selecting the line on the Shelf
Status Screen and then the Loopback Mode selection from the HLU
Maintenance Terminal Main Menu.