Welcome to the Community!
CircuitPython is a programming language that's super simple to get started with and great for learning. It runs on
microcontrollers and works out of the box. You can plug it in and get started with any text editor. The best part?
CircuitPython comes with an amazing, supportive community.
Everyone is welcome! CircuitPython is Open Source. This means it's available for anyone to use, edit, copy and
improve upon. This also means CircuitPython becomes better because of you being a part of it. It doesn't matter
whether this is your first microcontroller board or you're a computer engineer, you have something important to offer
the Adafruit CircuitPython community. We're going to highlight some of the many ways you can be a part of it!
Adafruit Discord
The Adafruit Discord server is the best place to start. Discord is where the community comes together to volunteer and
provide live support of all kinds. From general discussion to detailed problem solving, and everything in between,
Discord is a digital maker space with makers from around the world.
There are many different channels so you can choose the one best suited to your needs. Each channel is shown on
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