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Electromagnetic Interference
Immunity (EMI)…...…..……...... No data upsets under the influence
of EMI from switching solenoids,
commutator motors, and drill
Surge Immunity……………….… Not required for signal I/O per
European Norm EN50082-1.
ESD Protection……..........….... Complies with IEC1000-2 Level 1
(2KV direct contact discharge at
input/output terminals) and
European Standard
Electric Fast Transient
Immunity (EFT)……………..….. Complies with IEC1000-4-4 Level
2 (0.5KV at field input and output
terminals) and European Norm
Radiated Emissions ………....... Meets or exceeds European Norm
EN50081-1 for class A equipment.
Warning: This is a class A product. In a domestic environment
this product may cause radio interference in which the
user may be required to take adequate measures.
Reliability Prediction
Mean Time Between Failure…... MTBF = TBD hours (not available
at time of printing) @ 25
Using MIL-HDBK-217F, Notice 2.
Input Channel Configuration…… 32 Optically isolated bipolar inputs.
For DC or AC voltage applications
within specified range limits.
Isolation Medium......................... Photo-transistor optocoupler,
Siemans SFH628A-4 or
equivalent. UL & VDE rated for
isolation voltage applications up to
400V DC or AC rms (optocoupler
Bipolar Input Voltage Range....... AC or DC Volts peak, according to
model number:
4V to
(Model PMC440-1);
16V to
40V (Model PMC440-2);
38V to
60V (Model PMC440-3). Range
is determined by value of the input
current limiting SIP resistors
installed on the module (R5, R6,
R7, R8).
Input Threshold........................... Input Low-to-High threshold is
2.0V Typical
16V Maximum,
6.4V Typical (PMC440-2); or
38V Maximum,
12.9V Typical
(PMC440-3). The PMC440-1
model may be used to interface
with open-drain TTL outputs when
used with an appropriate pullup to
Input Hysteresis.......................... 80mV Typical.
Input Capacitance……….……....45pF Typical.
Turn-On Time............................. Measured to the point of positive
event interrupt detection (INTA#
pulled low) - 15us Typical (25
for a 0 to threshold value input
step. This time decreases as the
magnitude of the step is increased
above the threshold.
Turn-Off Time............................. Measured to the point of negative
event interrupt detection (INTA#
pulled low) - 35us Typical (25
for a threshold to 0V input step.
This time increases as the
magnitude of the step value is
increased from the threshold.
Input Debounce.......................... Each input includes debounce
circuitry with variable debounce
times. Debounce times are
programmable and derived from
the 8MHz system clock, in
combination with the debounce
duration register value. Debounce
times are applied at the ASIC input
and do not include optocoupler
delay time. Debounce values of 3-
4us, 48-64us, 0.75-1ms, and 6-
8ms may be configured. Note that
the debounce clock must be
enabled via the Debounce Select
register to utilize debounce.
Interrupts.................................... 32 channels of interrupts may be
configured for high-to-low, low-to-
high, and change-of-state (two
inputs required) event types.
Forward Voltage Drop................. 1.1V Typical, 1.5V Maximum
(Diode) + I*R. Series input
current-limiting resistors are 2.2K
(PMC440-1), 12K (PMC440-2), or
27K (PMC440-3) and installed on
Input Current............................... Varies according to model number
and input signal voltage level. For
Model PMC440-1, the current is
computed by dividing the signal
level minus 1.5V, by its current
limiting resistor (2200
PMC440-1, 12000
for PMC440-
2, and 27000
for PMC440-3).
PCI Local Bus Interface
Compatibility......................…..... Conforms to PCI Local Bus
Specification, Revision 2.2 and
PMC Specification, P1386.1/Draft
2.4. (See Note 2)
Electrical/Mechanical Interface... Single-Width PMC Module.
PCI Target ……………………… Implemented by Altera FPGA.
4K Memory Space Required…… One Base Address Register.
PCI commands Supported…….. Configuration Read/Write,
Memory Read/Write, 32,16, and 8-
bit data transfer types supported.
Signaling………………………… 5V Compliant, 3.3V Tolerant.
PCI bus Write Cycle Time
…… 150 nS Typical measured from
falling edge of FRAME# to the
falling edge of TRDY#.