Model DT33x-0700
4-Wire DC I/V Dual Transmitter w/USB
Acromag, Inc. Tel: 248-295-0880
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This section will walk you through
the Connection-Configuration-
Calibration process step-by-step.
But before you attempt to
reconfigure or recalibrate this
transmitter, please make the
following electrical connections
For best results, your input signal sources, output meters, and load resistors
(for current outputs) must be accurate beyond the unit specifications, or better
than ±0.1%. A good rule of thumb is to ensure that your equipment accuracy be
four times better than the rated accuracy you are trying to achieve with this
transmitter (i.e. ±0.025% accurate to achieve ±0.1% accuracy).
Calibration Connections (at each Transmitter Input):
Connect Transmitter Inputs:
For the DT336, connect a precision current
source to input A terminal TB1-1 (CH1 current in), or TB3-1 (CH2 current in), or
voltage to TB1-3 (CH1 positive voltage) or TB3-3 (CH2 positive voltage). For
DT337 and DT338, connect a precision voltage source to voltage A or B inputs
at TB1 (CH1) and TB3 (CH2) according to your selected model/input range (the
outside terminals #1 & #3 provide two different paths to the input channel
according to the input range magnitude). For all three models, the center
terminals TB1-2 and TB3-2 are the signal return terminals for both input paths.
The channel ADC will sample the correct signal path according to the input
range you have selected. Your signal source must be adjustable to the nominal
input range zero and full-scale levels. Observe proper polarity. For voltage
input, use a voltage source with an output impedance no more than 100
set the input filter level as desired before calibrating an input.
Connect to Voltage or Current terminal of Each Output Channel, not both:
Wire your output load to the transmitter output appropriate for current or
voltage, as required by your application. You will need to measure the output
current or voltage very accurately to calibrate the output. You could connect a
current meter in series with a load to read output current directly, or a digital
volt meter in parallel with a load to measure output voltage. Alternatively, you
could simply connect a voltmeter across a precision load resistor to accurately
read output current as a function of the IR voltage drop produced in the load
resistor (recommended for current outputs).
Connect Power:
Wire 6-32VDC power to the unit at TB5 as shown in the
Electrical Connections section. Optionally, you may wire power to the bus
terminal as shown in the optional power connections drawing. For either case,
never exceed 36VDC peak voltage, or damage to the unit may result.
Apply power to the transmitter before connecting to USB. You will not be able
to configure or calibrate the unit without power applied, as this device does
not draw power from its USB connection.
Connect to PC via USB:
Connect the transmitter to the PC using the USB
isolator and cables provided in Configuration Kit TTC-SIP (refer to Accessories).
You may omit the isolator only if you are using a battery powered laptop to
connect to the unit, or if your input 1 source is not already grounded.
Now that you have made your connections and applied power, you can
execute the DT33XConfig.exe software for your model to begin configuration
of the unit (software is compatible with v7 or later versions of the Windows
operating system).
Connect Inputs
Connect Outputs
Connect Power
Configure I/O