BusWorks Model XT1531‐000
4 CH Current 4 CH Digital I/O w/USB & Modbus
Acromag, Inc. Tel: 248‐295‐0880
Getting Connected
This section will walk you through
the Connection‐Configuration
process step‐by‐step. But before
you attempt to reconfigure this
module, please make the following
electrical connections.
Connect Outputs
Connect AO Excitation
Connect DO
Connect Outputs:
Refer to Output Connections at the front of this manual
and connect to output(s) as required for your application. Outputs share a
common return (RTN) connection. Be sure to additionally connect one return
(RTN) terminal to earth ground near the module. Earth ground applied to
return allows the input filters to shunt potentially harmful transient energy to
ground, helping to protect the output circuits from transient damage.
Connect Analog Output Excitation:
The current outputs and digital outputs of
this model each require a separate connection to excitation in order to
operate them. Refer to Output Connections at the front of this manual and
connect to output excitation as required. Use of digital input channels does
not require connection to excitation.
Connect Digital Output Excitation:
The digital outputs of this model require a
separate connection to excitation to operate them. Refer to Output
Connections at the front of this manual and connect to output excitation as
Connect PC/USB
Connect Power
required. If you are only using the digital input channels (outputs OFF), then
no connection to excitation is required.
Connect Power:
You need to connect
power from 12‐32V to power this
module. Current required will vary with voltage level (refer to Specifications).
Your supply must be capable of providing at least twice the maximum rated
current for your voltage level. You can choose to connect to Power via
terminals on the unit, or via optional terminals that connect to the module’s
bus connector along the DIN rail (See Power Connections).
Connect to PC via USB:
Refer to USB Connections of page 9 and connect the
module to your PC or laptop using the USB isolator and cables provided in
Configuration Kit
Now that you have made your connections and applied power, you can
execute the XT15XXConfig.exe software to begin configuration and USB
control of your unit (software is compatible with XP or later versions of the
Windows operating system). Note that the same software is used for six
models, Three version of XT154x‐000 with 8 voltage outputs and 4 digital I/O
channels, plus three versions of XT153x‐000 with 4 current outputs and 4
digital I/O channels.
Allow the unit to fully power‐up and establish its Ethernet
connection before attempting to open USB communications with the unit
using the XT15xxconfig.exe software (wait ~30 seconds after powering‐it up to
give it time to initialize).
Note that you do not connect your module to an Ethernet network in order to
configure it. It is configured for network operation by initially connecting to USB
with a host PC running model‐specific configuration software. This has the
ge of not having to know the module’s IP address setting, or having to
change the address setting of your network card to match the module’s subnet
address domain in order to talk to it.