FL Step Manual
STEP Manual vers 3.0
After that both turning points have been
adjusted connect to power again and let the
motor run in both directions. Motor current must
be below 3 Amp.
Strap electric cable loom
Connect the 5 straps at the points for fixation.
Now the step assembly is ready for final
Slide a sliding assembly with 4 sliding shoes
through the tube and check if it runs free.
Take a long small paint brush and grease the tube
inside at the front and the rear. Place the welding
assembly upside down at a table and fixate it.
Take the step assembly and slide it in the chassis.
Make sure the push rods are completely retracted.
Slide the assembly a few time’s in and out, feel if
it runs free. Then slide in
Check if the rear and front profile are aligned at the
Check if the tubes from the chassis in the holes in
the rear profile are in the centre. The Aluminium
must be free at least 1 mm from the steel tube
Check if the sliding chassis is in the centre of the
tube at the front side.
Loosen the two nuts from the motor
Adjust the motor assembly
to the centre of the step
. Measure
from the left and right sliding bar from
the sliding assembly.