6.7. Room page
All existing devices are displayed on the room page.
Actuators of the devices (e.g. radio socket) can be controlled directly by
clicking on the icon.
You can perform the following actions:
Change the name of the room
Select the device whose value is to be used in
the room list and in the temperature progression.
Humidity Device
Select the device whose value is to be used in
the room list and in the humidity progression.
Lux Device
Select the device whose value is to be used in
the room list and in the brightness progression.
Open temperature / humidity and brightness
Configure heating plan
(If heating controller available)
Add / move / remove devices
Open device page
6.7.1. Heating schedule
If you have added a heating controller to the room, you can access the
heating plan.
Here you can set whether the heater is controlled by the gateway status
or by a manual schedule.
Gateway status control:
Set the temperature values for the three different gateway states.
Manual schedule control:
Set the time windows and temperature for each day.