ABEM Terrameter LS Toolbox
Conversion of ORG to XML Protocol file
The input files for this conversion routine must be in the ORG format that is used by
the Lund Imaging System based on Terrameter SAS1000 / SAS4000. The format is
described in Appendix C of the instruction manual for Terrameter LS. Please read this
appendix carefully before attempting to create your own protocol files.
The protocol file is always the same for a specific measuring sequence cable
configuration regardless of the electrode spacing. The protocol file in ORG format can
be created in a text editor or spread sheet, and it is also possible to use the Terrameter
SAS4000 Utility Software. If the latter is used it is recommend that the protocol is
saved as a 4 channel protocol.
The sequence of the measurements is important for the possibility to make use of the
multi-channel capability of the instrument. All measurements that use the same
current electrode combination should follow immediately after each other in order for
them to be measured during the same current transmission. If more measurement
points are listed than the available measuring channels they will be measured in a
sequence following after each other in a sequence optimised by the instrument
software. It is also important to design the measuring sequence in order to avoid using
an electrode as potential electrode immediately after using it for transmitting current.
The electrodes are charged up when transmitting current through them and the decay
is initially strongly exponential, which may affect data quality adversely even if SP
compensation is automatically carried out.
The conversion routine is activated via the Start button (Figure
) and selecting the
input file and the output file name and destination. Make sure that the output file is
saved in the desired location. The measuring sequence will be echoed in the text
window, and if there are errors these will be reported otherwise the number of data
points in the protocol will be specified. If the ADR file corresponding to the ORG file
is present in the same folder the protocol will be checked against the spread.
Otherwise a warning message will be issued, but it does not mean that there is any
error in the protocol file.
Figure 54. ORG conversion start dialog