ABEM Terrameter LS Toolbox
Data Management and Post-Processing
Project Management
In order to open data in Terrameter LS Toolbox the data must first be added to a
project group. A project group can contain one or several Terrameter LS projects. It is
possible to combine projects from different instruments in a project group. Start by
right-clicking on
Project Groups
and select
Create Project Group
(Figure 24). Now
give the new project group a descriptive name, e.g. the name of the investigation site
(Figure 24).
Figure 24. Project Groups context menu (left) and a newly created project group
Projects imported from LS instruments (see chapter 4.2) are then added to the project
group by selecting
Add Project
from the context menu (Figure 25).
A database can also be imported directly from an
instrument into a project group (see chapter 4.2)
Figure 25. Context menu of a project group
Once this is done the project and its tasks will be displayed in the tree structure.
Added projects will automatically be expanded, but can be collapsed by pressing the
down arrow in front of the Project (Figure 26). The project context menu (Figure 27)
has a
item that opens a summary page to the right (Figure 28). When a
project is selected the properties section in the lower left corner of LS Toolbox shows
a short summary of the project (Figure 29).